Thursday, October 29, 2009

All You Have To Do Is Look At Me To Make My Life Miserable (I'm Done)

I'm done with this,
Darling, I'm done with you,
And I don't want to hear,
Your silly excuse.
I'm done with all,
Your made up lies,
I'm done with your,
Stupid disguise.
I'm done with the fact,
That you can't have my back,
I'm done with your bullshit,
And that loyalty you lack.
I'm done with thinking,
That you will ever change,
Because the truth of the matter is,
You'll always remain the same.
I'm done with all your drama,
I'm done with your fake pain,
I'm done with being hurt,
I'm done with going insane.

Listen sweetheart,
You make my life miserable,
You cause me so much pain,
I'm drowning in all your lies,
And in this never ending rain,
You make my life miserable,
With one glance, I'm done,
But just know that I'm stronger than you think,
And you haven't won,
You make my life miserable
So go drown in your fake personality,
You make my life miserable,
I'm done, I'm done.

You think you've got it covered,
You think that I don't know,
But Ignorance isn't one of my traits,
And really, I'm not that slow.
I'm done with all your games,
That only you seem to be playing,
I'm done with all your false affections,
And feint understanding.
So go take your board,
And find another player,
I've reached the finish line,
I've said my last prayer.
I'm fucking done with explaining,
I'm done with your blaming.

And if you think you've got me trapped,
Inside your fucking claws,
Think again, bitch,
I've got more then just bitter scars.
I'm going to win this in the end,
Whether I die doing it or not,
Just know that when the secrets out,
You're done, bitch, your done.

-Mike, this ones for you, I hope you feel better =[

You Lost Your Face So You Bought A New One

Rip apart, the thoughts inside,
You don't know where, to confide,
You need them now, like in a snitch,
But you don't know how, oh! There's a glitch!
You'll look inside, it's so unreal,
The lies you say, the things you feel,
A thread of steel, the breath of life,
A drop of blood, the cause, a knife,
The shaking hands, the nervous lips,
A violent storm, a sinking ship,
The stoic smirks, the hidden glares,
A blast of fire, oh! The burning flares,
Find a plan or figure out?
Run away or scream and shout?

We're living,
We're breathing,
We're drinking the poison of life,
You're screaming,
You're taking over our mind,
You use us,
And break us,
Just to throw us away...

Close your eyes and your ears,
Seal off your mind and your fears,
Don't make move, not even a pinch,
Don't make a sound, don't even flinch,
You'll look around, but never see,
Who's right there, not even me,
Oh! You want to run, you want to hide,
Just don't forget, your fucking pride,
You're full of shit, you know you reek,
Oh! Your breath is foul, don't even speak,
You're such a fake, it's a disgrace,
Oh my gosh! Is that your face?
Look at the hearts, you steal then break,
The feeling you can't return, but only take...

We're living,
We're breathing,
We're drinking the poison of life,
Your screaming,
Your taking over our mind,
You use us,
And break us,
Just to throw us away...

And now we've finally seen,
The lie you truly are....

Monday, October 26, 2009

Not Enough

It's never going to be
for me.
Your love,
and your very
blue eyes.
But why?
Why, should it be
Why should there be a
An end?
I can never get
of him.
I am
But am I sorry?
if forgiveness will be
my santiy.
See you
in dreamland,
my prince.

Wake Up!

Wake up!
If I could
I would dream
Living in a
that ceases
to exist.
in between
reality and
Wake up!
But I can not
I want to stay
where the skies
are blue and it
never rains.
Wake up!
How can I?
When he lull's me
back to
his fingers gracing
my hand in such an
Wake up!
I am awake,
back to
Where I belong.
Wake up!

Taciturn Agony

As the night form a shadow of regret,
I'll lie again with blood as tears.
But here I am home.
With all my scars and infedelities,
With these imperfections,
and flaws,
I'll drown, in this sea,

You reach out a hand,
Filled with unshed rain,
We are soaked
In this toxic,
Beautiful rain,
Unshed tears falling from the sky,
For you and me.
Lets cry too.

And the sky is swarming
With feint secrets
Rooms filled with dust
They scream silently
For their life back.
Those petals falling?
The want their life back.

And when you can finally see,
Realization willl cut your skin,
It'll makek you bleed beautiful red.
It will suck tou dry,
Till your breath becomes,
Nothing at all.

And for that tomorrow,
That will never come,
We cry today.
Selfish and hurt.
My heart rots,
In your foul hands.
Thank you.
For nothing.

Crying Rain

Tonight, the stars they seem,
To eat up the dark sky,
And devour up our hopes and dreams,
And every condescending lie.

And why does the sky not cry,
When everything is falling apart?
Why does it seem like everything ends,
Before it even starts?
And how am I supposed to pick up the pieces,
That you left my aching heart in?

The sky is breaking apart,
Shattering down,
The clouds are dripping,
With unshed blood and tears,
And I, stand alone, drinking it all in,
Why am I the only one, mourning us?
When we never were?
I can't stop,
Crying rain.

Lying seems to be,
What made us into being,
But this wretched heart,
Still beats for your illusion of perfection,
Your eyes, they play such a deceitful game,
I fall in deeper, realize, I'm not the same.

And here we're singing a melody,
The chorus sounding unrehearsed,
And there you again, changing key,
And every line, in every verse,
And all your "hello's" and "goodbye's,"
Are etched into my soul,
I'll promise you, I'm going to rip them out,
And burn them.

And even as I fall again,
Your shaking hands, try to bull me back,
But I don't want to live again,
Hurting by your ignorance,
Why can't you just see? The taciturn me?
Lying in its wake? Mourning?
Crying rain.

And I want you to give it back,
Why can't you just give it back?
That sun that use to rise on my,
Seemingly perpetual, atrophying, blue sky?
And I want you to see?
Why can't you just see?
The tears and blood,
Staining my unassuming face?

And I'd love to say "all those broken promises,"
But they are promises you never attempted to keep,
Apparently cuase, we never speak,
And I know your out of reach, out of my league,
But I can't help but feel this way,
Blame it on my heart.

And everytime I lie to myself,
Saying, "I'm over it."
Just know that, I'm hoping to one day,
Believe in my own lies,
Only to throw these failed attemps away,
With the unsuccessful tries,
You've got me,
Crying Rain.

Of Wanting

I don't know what I want. But I have this painful nagging feeling that tugs at my heart. It's like somethings missing, like something is incomplete.
A void.
A void that refuses to be filled.
Sometimes, I want to cry. I want to scream, to shout, and to rip apart my thoughts, feelings, and emotions, till they are no more.
I want to be emotionless, thoughtless, sightless, but then that means I'll be blind, senseless and defenseless. I don't want a heart, for it will only be broken and fall apart. It will only cause me to weaken, and subdue to wretched emotions.
I want everything to nothing at all.
I want eyes that are unassuming, not ones that are windows to my suffering soul. Look at my hands, they are shaking, with a life that they stole.
Perhaps my own?
Yes, my life.
Stolen, by yours truly, I can't believe I was such a fool, I didn't think this throughly.
My mind is a complete mess, puzzle piece gallore, filled with images and words; pictures obscured.
Now I don't expect you to understand, to see how effed up I am. But promise me one thing.
You won't judge me.
Did you promise? If you did...
Darling, you lied.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Sound of Uspoken Thoughts

Memories of nobody, linger in my mind. Unspoken words of obscure emotions lay hidden beneath this dust, upon broken trust. And nobody knows, because nobody listens. And as everything goes on, I am left to wonder, if anyone else, lives in their past, in their thoughts, in their dreams. If anyone knows the sin of wanting something that they could never truly have. The pain of breathing, living, and loving. If anyone truly understands, the want to break into your thoughts, and write into the sky, whats written in your heart.
If words could explain, what we actually felt, perhaps, misunderstanding would be infinitesimal; or perhaps, even colossal. Rain fills up the silence, that we so nonsensically, ignore. Misinterpreting it completely, like always. Maybe that' s why your still there, standing, with that far away look on your face. In that world, that both of us use to get lost in together. But your on your own now, with your own separate seam of mind, and mine altogether unknown, which it shall forever be.
Because we never were the same, we only wanted to be. We only wanted for someone to be out there like us. Feeling the way we did. Even if it meant, not feeling it at all. It was okay, to just say, "yeah, I understand,". We committed the sin of wanting. And I don't regret it one bit.
Perhaps its because even though I'm sitting here pathetically typing this, I know, you too, sometimes think about me, whether you want to or not. And maybe you want that feint understanding back too.
But I don't want a maybe, I want a yes or no. I want a definite answer that will put to rest that heart that still, no matter what, still beats for you. That still race at the note of your stoic smiles and apathetic laugh. That still yearns for that rare, genuine, smile that would grace upon your face.
And when I see you again, I'll tell you that I finally understood that parting question, because back then it seemed so simple and unassuming. But now I see the hidden demand in the question, in all the questions.
You and I, are like an orchestra. The drums together, the brass, the bass, the harps, the violins, to that guitar and regal piano. The music clashing and the noise is almost unbearable, so aggressive as they both fight for dominance. The horns drone out the guitar, and the bass was lost long ago. But your drums conquer my beautiful piano, I clutch my chest in pain, this noise is terrible.
I guess that was our twisted song.
I was the unheard melody, while you were the played out song, together, we were a symphony, that struggled to get along. You were a faceless fiend, with lips like morphine, and a voice like the dark night sky, wrapping around me, clinging to me, like velvet. You were a phony friend, with lips that promised no tomorrow, just today. A today, that has ceased to come. You were a drug cause illusion, and this pain, I'm afraid, is the remedy.