Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Sound of Uspoken Thoughts

Memories of nobody, linger in my mind. Unspoken words of obscure emotions lay hidden beneath this dust, upon broken trust. And nobody knows, because nobody listens. And as everything goes on, I am left to wonder, if anyone else, lives in their past, in their thoughts, in their dreams. If anyone knows the sin of wanting something that they could never truly have. The pain of breathing, living, and loving. If anyone truly understands, the want to break into your thoughts, and write into the sky, whats written in your heart.
If words could explain, what we actually felt, perhaps, misunderstanding would be infinitesimal; or perhaps, even colossal. Rain fills up the silence, that we so nonsensically, ignore. Misinterpreting it completely, like always. Maybe that' s why your still there, standing, with that far away look on your face. In that world, that both of us use to get lost in together. But your on your own now, with your own separate seam of mind, and mine altogether unknown, which it shall forever be.
Because we never were the same, we only wanted to be. We only wanted for someone to be out there like us. Feeling the way we did. Even if it meant, not feeling it at all. It was okay, to just say, "yeah, I understand,". We committed the sin of wanting. And I don't regret it one bit.
Perhaps its because even though I'm sitting here pathetically typing this, I know, you too, sometimes think about me, whether you want to or not. And maybe you want that feint understanding back too.
But I don't want a maybe, I want a yes or no. I want a definite answer that will put to rest that heart that still, no matter what, still beats for you. That still race at the note of your stoic smiles and apathetic laugh. That still yearns for that rare, genuine, smile that would grace upon your face.
And when I see you again, I'll tell you that I finally understood that parting question, because back then it seemed so simple and unassuming. But now I see the hidden demand in the question, in all the questions.
You and I, are like an orchestra. The drums together, the brass, the bass, the harps, the violins, to that guitar and regal piano. The music clashing and the noise is almost unbearable, so aggressive as they both fight for dominance. The horns drone out the guitar, and the bass was lost long ago. But your drums conquer my beautiful piano, I clutch my chest in pain, this noise is terrible.
I guess that was our twisted song.
I was the unheard melody, while you were the played out song, together, we were a symphony, that struggled to get along. You were a faceless fiend, with lips like morphine, and a voice like the dark night sky, wrapping around me, clinging to me, like velvet. You were a phony friend, with lips that promised no tomorrow, just today. A today, that has ceased to come. You were a drug cause illusion, and this pain, I'm afraid, is the remedy.

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